Conservation of Threatened Birds


Loss of biodiversity and species extinction are among the most critical issues concerning wildlife and nature. In particular, 14% of all bird species are threatened to some extent (IUCN Red List 2015). Our group studies diverse South American bird species of conservation concern with the aim to provide managers and policy makers with information to outline accurate conservation actions. We use a mixture of molecular and field-based approaches to answer questions related to behavior, ecology, population genetics, and extinction risks.


Researchers and students involved in this area: J. C. Reboreda, B. Mahler, I. Roesler, M. Domínguez, N. Cossa and N. Lois

Conservation of the Rockhopper Penguin

Populations of the Rockhopper Penguin (Eudyptes chrysocome) are globally declining at an alarming pace, which is why IUCN classifies this species as “Vulnerable”. The main putative cause is the heterogeneous impact of global change on marine ecosystems, which combined with their ability to travel long distances makes it difficult to predict how these changes might affect their populations.

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Rockhopper Penguin, Eudyptes chrysocome (U. Balza).

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